About Screencasr-O-Matic
Screencast offers free video recording tools without watermark. It provides free video capturing tools for screen recording. Creating, editing, and communicating is no more difficult task to do with Screencast.
Capture the videos from the screen or use a webcam, all are fast, free, and easy.
Robust video editor tools support personalizing the video by adding text, highlights, and more. Generate a link and share it on social media.
What's free in Screencasr-O-Matic
Record Screen and/or Webcam
Record Window or Full Screen
NEW! Take a Screenshot
Screenshot an Area, Window, or Full Screen
Trim Recordings
Save to Device
Publish to Screencast-O-Matic, YouTube, and Drive
Quick Share to Facebook, Twitter, and Classroom
3 Music Tracks New tracks added!
Is Screencasr-O-Matic free to use?
- Categories: Free Video Recording Software
- Tags: Completely Free
- Submitted by: Kabul Singh
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