- Addie
About Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger is another free app for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone to make video calls on the go. Messenger is easy to use. Tap a contact from the Messenger app list and hit the video button to start a video call. You can make a video call to anyone within Facebook network around the globe, including video calls from iPhone to Android and vice verse. All calls are free, but you have to pay for Internet data. The app let use both front and rear cameras for video recording. Unfortunately, in Facebook Messenger there are no group video calls like in Skype or Google Hangouts. So if you want to talk to several friends at a time, youd better choose a Microsoft or Google app.
What's free in Facebook Messenger
Absolutely free to use
Is Facebook Messenger free to use?
Facebook Messenger can be used for free
- Categories: Free Video Calling Apps
- Free with limited features
- Submitted by: Chatar Pal
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