About Form-Data
No-code backend for webforms.
Advanced spam filtering, integration with 3rd-party tools, email notifications and email auto-response with your own custom template, file upload, and much much more.
Works in any framework and platform. Perfect for developers and designers who build static sites.
What's free in Form-Data
- Unlimited number of forms
- 20 submissions a month
- + 2000 more if you show “powered by Form-Data” badge
- Most other features are free (except file upload) including 3rd party integrations, email auto-response, etc.
- No credit card required for the free tier.
Premium plan starts at $6.8/month and you only pay for what you use.
Is Form-Data free to use?
Form-Data can be used for free
- Categories: Free Online Forms
- Tags: Credit Card Not Required, Free with limited quota, Signup Required
- Submitted by: Dan Bar-Shalom
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